The Team

Vivienne Foroughirad - Principal Investigator

Vivienne is a behavioral ecologist interested in the fitness consequences of the social environment. Her research integrates genetics and long-term studies to characterize the evolutionary processes shaping patterns of variation in social structure across cetacean species. Vivienne earned her Ph.D. with Andy Read at the Duke University Marine Lab and then did a postdoc with Janet Mann at Georgetown University before moving to Galveston.

Twitter: @vforoughirad
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Ava Reynolds - Undergraduate Technician

Ava is a sophomore Marine Biology student at Texas A&M University at Galveston. Her interests include marine mammal ecology and behavior. After completing her Bachelor’s degree, she plans to complete her Master’s degree.

Zoe Olson - Undergraduate Technician

Zoe is an undergraduate Marine Biology major and Dive Technologies and Methods minor from Texas A&M University at Galveston. She is interested in researching cetacean behavioral and acoustic ecology on odontocetes such as killer whales and bottlenose dolphins. She also takes part in photography, which she hope will be useful in the Foroughirad lab and in my future research. Besides being a lab technician, she am also a member of Sea Aggie Dolphin Investigative Program, in which she photographs and collect behavioral data of the bottlenose dolphin population near Texas A&M Galveston.

Julianna Rosales - Undergraduate Technician

My name is Julianna and I’m an undergraduate junior at Texas A&M University at Galveston. My interests focus on marine ecology and animal behaviors. I also volunteer in the invertebrate lab on campus. In my free time I like to crochet!